Optimize digital commerce and online shopping behavior
Digital solutions to help you influence online shopping behavior and drive digital commerce success
Uncover consumer insights to drive online success
How, where and when people shop is rapidly shifting to digital channels. To drive digital success, you need to understand how consumers shop online and how they make decisions.
How do your online and brick-and-mortar store strategies work together?
Which new products, bundles, packs will drive sales in the digital space?
What are the most influential touchpoints to prioritize marketing investments along complex consumer decision journeys?
Does your online content engage consumers and convince them to buy?
How do you build loyalty and maximize revenue for online subscription business models?
As an eCommerce research innovator, SKIM provides accurate and actionable answers to questions like these. We combine 40 years of experience in analyzing consumer behavior with innovative digital and mobile-first research solutions.
Check out our resources, strategies and solutions.
Influence online shopping behavior with these strategies
Understand & influence the consumer journey
Untangle complex consumer decision journeys to prioritize marketing resources and deliver message to have maximum impact.
How to optimize ecommerce strategies amidst disrupted consumer behavior
With increased online shopping, forced new brand trials and more choices than ever before, here’s how to optimize your online strategies for the new reality.