Advanced analytics

Unlock more value from your data through analytics you can trust

Advanced analytics

To create a robust strategy, you need reliable results. With decades of experience in advanced analytics and complex modeling techniques, we deliver results you can trust. What seems like a black box to many is an open book to us. Our deep understanding of the details behind complicated models and methods allows us to move beyond one-size-fits-all solutions, creating tailored approaches that provide more relevant, meaningful outcomes for you.

Our continuous push for innovation

SKIM has been at the forefront of innovation for years. From launching Unspoken, the industry’s first implicit mobile testing platform, to pioneering advanced choice models like menu and preference-based conjoint, we’ve consistently explored new horizons. Now, we’re leading the way in using AI to predict market success, co-create assets and build chatbots that gather richer data or make analysis faster and more intuitive. Motivated by our genuine interest in this field, SKIM’s advanced analytical capabilities continue to drive the industry forward.

Interested in exploring how advanced analytics can drive your business forward?

Jerome Hancock

Senior Director Methodology and Analytics

Jerome Hancock

Jerome Hancock

Senior Director Methodology and Analytics

Jerome Hancock

Jerome Hancock

Senior Director Methodology and Analytics

Jerome Hancock

Jerome Hancock

Senior Director Methodology and Analytics

Jerome Hancock