Webinar “Turning online shops into a happy place” at the Festival of #NewMR

Using choice modeling and smart design to impact customer choices in e-commerce

Webinar “Turning online shops into a happy place” at the Festival of #NewMR

We presented a free webinar on optimizing your online shopping environment, as part of the Festival of #NewMR on Tuesday, December 2nd. Among other innovative speakers, Gerard Loosschilder, our Chief Innovation Officer, showed you how to use choice modeling and smart interaction design to maximize sales in online shops; weighing and playing with elements such as product specifications and customer reviews.

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Webinar “Turning online shops into a happy place” from the Festival of #NewMR from SKIM

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About the webinar

Sales are increasingly migrating to online retail. In traditional retail, we know well how to sell by persuading customers. Online retail environments are less mature and are more technically driven, often not based on knowledge about the customer and how to lead her through the sales process in a satisfying way. It may result in lower conversion rates and expenditures than the opportunity warrants and in lower customer satisfaction rates than desired to drive repeat business.

In a research environment, we have the opportunity to experiment with the ways we can guide the consumer through the sales process and make her happy. Time we don’t have in e-commerce itself; because the sales process needs to be short, sweet, and effective. In our presentation, we combined insights from choice modeling and interaction design to drive the conversion and satisfaction rates of e-commerce environments. The emphasis is on how to optimize e-tail environments. We showed the effect of elements like reviews, star ratings, and expert recommendations versus product specifications; and the effect of showing benefits based on customer profiling as opposed to focusing on technical specifications.