Webinar “The art of pricing”

The rewards of strategic revenue management

Webinar “The art of pricing”

We hosted a free webinar, based on our successful ESOMAR workshop with P&G, on practical and solid solutions for traditional and contemporary pricing issues on Thursday, October 29th, as part of our monthly SKIM webinar sessions. Feel free to review the webinar via the webcast and/or slide deck below.

The art of pricing

Presented by John Ashraf, Product Owner for Pricing & Portfolio Management at SKIM

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Webinar "The art of pricing" from SKIM

If you are unable to view the slides on this page, click here to view our slides on SlideShare.

About the webinar

At first glance, setting your price seems like no sweat, but getting it right can be a real challenge. Consumers make their decisions in real-life, with all of its complexities. That said, the revenue you can make with strategic pricing is highly rewarding and the process can be fun and insightful. In this webinar, John Ashraf, Product Owner for Pricing & Portfolio Management at SKIM, brings practical and solid solutions for traditional and contemporary pricing issues.

Pricing outcomes and insights are generally discussed across a wider group of stakeholders: finance and operations; marketing, brand, and category managers; and sales, account, or channel management. What does each of these stakeholders use in order to make a decision, what do they expect in a changing daily reality, how are they using the insights and outcomes, and what do they decide based on the outcomes or based on their mutation of the outcomes? We tackled how to fulfill the needs of your stakeholders and make them happy while sticking to the solidity of the insights.

John also touched on the changing reality of strategic pricing. What’s new, what will change, and what it means for you as an insights professional in the context of generating and using pricing insights. We talked about e-commerce pricing, the mobile reality, and more new trends in pricing.