Webinar “How to screen 100+ concepts with MaxDiff”

Webinar “How to screen 100+ concepts with MaxDiff”
6 April 2017

MaxDiff (Maximum Difference scaling) is frequently used for screening of concepts, visuals, claims, etc. However, if the number of concepts that you want to screen becomes too large, then we can’t use the regular MaxDiff approach anymore. Instead, we need to use more advanced applications of MaxDiff.

In this 30-minute webinar on April 6th, 2017 we shared with you various advanced approaches. E.g. what if you want to screen 20, 50, or even 100+ concepts?

In addition, we explained how to define a cut-off point that distinguishes the good from the bad.

Webinar "How to screen 100+ concepts with MaxDiff" from SKIM

What you learn in this webinar

At SKIM we run dozens of MaxDiff projects each year for screening purposes, e.g. screening of ideas, visuals, claims, etc. The complexity among projects differs a lot. Not just because of different business questions that need to be answered, but also due to the number of concepts that needs to be screened.

Besides finding which of the many concepts rank best, in absolute or relative terms, another challenge is to define what sales to expect with each of them.

In this webinar, we discussed with you the following topics:

  • Why limit the number of concepts per screen
  • Sparse versus Express MaxDiff
  • Thompson Sampling MaxDiff
  • Purchase Intent: Anchor versus Dual Response None