SKIM presented at GOR 15 on modeling online hotel choice

How can you best investigate what drives online purchase decisions?

19 March 2015
Cologne, Germany

At this year’s General Online Research (GOR) conference, Christine Hübner and Paolo Cordella presented on using conjoint analysis as a multivariate alternative to A/B-testing in order to discover which booking site features impact purchase decisions for hotel accommodation.

Modeling Online Hotel Choice: Conjoint analysis as a multivariate alternative to A/B-testing

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Christine Hübner, Senior Technical Analyst at SKIM
Paolo Cordella, Senior Technical Analyst at SKIM

How can researchers best investigate what drives online purchase decisions? Currently, A/B-tests of isolated features on two otherwise identical versions of a website are the gold standard for testing online purchase environments. Despite its simplicity, A/B-testing is tedious since only a single feature can be changed at a time and possible interactions between features are not accounted for.

In their presentation, Christine and Paulo examined whether conjoint analysis can be used as a multivariate alternative to A/B-testing. Choice-based conjoint is a powerful method to analyze purchase decisions as it allows for optimization across various attributes and levels. While in most conjoint applications attributes and levels pertain to the product itself, the method can also be applied to optimizing the user interface (where elements are placed, how they are designed and executed, the use of rankings, reviews, and promotions). With the application of choice-based conjoint, we can test which booking site features impact purchase decisions for hotel accommodation.