MORES Congress 2018 – From Originals to Remixes: Adapting research solutions to new media

MORES Congress 2018 – From Originals to Remixes: Adapting research solutions to new media

In the age of mash-ups, the challenge is to find the right combination for results that work. Same with research methods.

With new selling platforms, communication methods, evolving consumer habits & journey, capturing the needed information may need the use of both traditional and digital methodologies to answer client issues.

At the MORES Congress 2018, we discussed:

  • What are new trends in insighting and making full use of research insights?
  • How does traditional research expertise come into play in making full use of data available through analytics, traditional research, digital methods?
  • What skills are most valuable and can be leveraged?


Robin de Rooij, Senior Director Asia-Pacific