How to develop a winning communications strategy at Asia Research Breakfast Seminar

Pass all the hurdles of claims creation

How to develop a winning communications strategy at Asia Research Breakfast Seminar

Developing a winning claim is like completing an obstacle course – you need to pass all the hurdles to succeed. Claims that clear the hurdles of claim creation have a significantly higher likelihood of being successful than claims that do not. On October 8th at The Goodwood Park Hotel in Singapore, we shared our framework to help you fine-tune your value proposition and turn it into a winning claim.

Developing a winning communications strategy

Presented by:
Robin de Rooij, Director Asia Pacific at SKIM | Singapore

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For many companies, the essence of a focused communication strategy is a strong and clear claim at its foundation. A claim is a concise statement about a product or a brand that summarizes the key promise or value to the consumer. Claims are designed to drive consumer choice by calling upon desires or aspirations through the value it promises. Developing a winning claim is like completing an obstacle course – you need to pass all the hurdles to succeed. We shared our framework to help brand owners fine-tune their value proposition and translate it into a winning claim!