Webinar “Swipe left, swipe right” on Implicit Testing

New implicit method utilizing mobile technology and System 1 & 2

Webinar “Swipe left, swipe right” on Implicit Testing
3 May 2016

Traditionally, discrete choice models like MaxDiff and Conjoint are used to evaluate messages and ads. While these techniques have proven to be valuable, recent technological developments (the rise of mobile devices) and new insights into the customer decision making process (system 1 vs. system 2 thinking) have opened the door for a new generation of methodologies that fit the current needs better.

In this month’s webinar on implicit testing, we shared our new semi-implicit testing method. Get the slides and a recording below.

Swipe left, swipe right – A new implicit testing method utilizing mobile technology and System 1 & 2

Presented by:
Scott Garrison, Manager in SKIM | London
Sean O’Connor, Senior Analyst in SKIM | New York

Please note that loading the webcast on this webpage might take some time due to the length of the video. If it takes too long, it might be helpful to click here to view the video on youtube.com.

Webinar "Swipe left, swipe right – A new method utilizing mobile technology and System 1 & 2" from SKIM

If you are unable to view the slides on this page, click here to view our slides on SlideShare. You can also download the PDF directly here.

About the webinar

We walked through this new methodology and show how we are combining the advantages of mobile (engagement, intuitive swiping, etc) with psychological theory and advanced modeling techniques to better test brand communications. The methods allow us to understand what ads are most effective at initially attracting consumers to the shelf and then driving conversion once they are there.