Webinar “Mining emotions for deeper new product development (NPD) insights: Can smart innovations save us from stress?”

Webinar “Mining emotions for deeper new product development (NPD) insights: Can smart innovations save us from stress?”

In early-stage new product development (NPD) research, uncovering both rational and emotional needs are vital. Both insights are instrumental to accurately size the unmet need or opportunity for innovations.

While traditional qual techniques can be used to uncover emotions, the results can’t easily be scaled. Alternatively, quant research can deliver stated emotions, but they lack the depth of emotions. With quant techniques, we rely too heavily on ‘what’ people tell us and we often see an overstated interest in innovations.SmartBand Healthy Lifestyle Device

To tackle this challenge, SKIM has innovated a new hybrid approach for early-stage NPD research. By using a voice analytics tool, we can analyze ‘how’ people communicate their needs, attitudes and interest, to better uncover implicit emotions for more effective innovation strategies.

We recently teamed up with Johnson & Johnson to put this new research technique to the test to mine emotions.

“We are constantly investigating ways of gathering deep human understanding using both explicit and implicit tools.”

– Sofia Jorman, Consumer Science Manager, Global R&D operations, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Division SelfCare

Focusing on the topic of stress, we set out measure the consumer appetite for mainstream anti-stress digital innovations. With stress and anxiety becoming a top human resources challenge, Johnson & Johnson’s SelfCare division was particularly interested in attitudes around health and wellbeing.

Watch this webinar to learn how rational reasoning and emotions play a role in decision-making and how voice analytics can be leveraged for richer NPD insights.

Judith Suttrup, Senior Research Manager

Watch the webinar hbspt.cta.load(2620743, ‘9f38abcc-78b0-45a8-925b-1291e08c8778’, {});

What you will learn from this webinar

  • A new advanced analytics approach to delve beneath the surface, to uncover the implicit, underlying emotions behind what consumers tell us.
  • The importance of discovering (implicitly) and understanding emotional drivers when it comes to innovations
  • How voice analytics can help achieve more realistic estimation of product interest to inform innovation strategies
  • How hybrid research techniques can be used to overcome respondent tendency to overstate interest in innovations
  • To what extent is technology exasperating the problem of stress and whether or not it can also offer the solution?