Adaptive Choice-based Conjoint (ACBC) is the latest approach to preference modeling that leverages the best aspects of CBC (Choice-Based Conjoint) and ACA (Adaptive Conjoint Analysis). Different from traditional CBC, the interview process of ACBC is staged. First the research participant builds its optimal product configuration; then must-haves and unacceptables are assessed; thirdly tradeoffs are explored by systematically varying remaining product configurations.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint analysis?
There are a few advantages that you can benefit from when doing a Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint analysis:
- It is able to process more attributes than CBC
- The interview is more pleasant to the research participant, compared to CBC
- It is less subject to assumptions about the use of a compensatory decision rule
However, ACBC is more complicated to execute than standard CBC.
When do I use Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint analysis?
- For (durable) consumer products: to define the optimal product
- For financial service providers: to optimize product/portfolio configurations
- In telecom industries: to optimize your products or product bundles