Method sheet “SKIM Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint (ACBC)”
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Adaptive Choice-based Conjoint (ACBC) is the latest approach to preference modeling that leverages the best aspects of CBC (Choice-Based Conjoint) and ACA (Adaptive Conjoint Analysis). Different from traditional CBC, the interview process of ACBC is staged. First the research participant builds its optimal product configuration; then must-haves and unacceptables are assessed; thirdly tradeoffs are explored by systematically varying remaining product configurations.
There are a few advantages that you can benefit from when doing a Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint analysis:
However, ACBC is more complicated to execute than standard CBC.
Download SKIM Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint method sheet.
On the 27th of June and the 28th, we presented two different topics on Preference…
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SKIM has named Maura Coracini as Managing Director, Latin America. Based in the São Paulo area.