Craving value: How fast-food brands can win in APAC's diverse market
Want to conquer APAC's diverse fast-food scene? Discover the nuances you need to master to win over consumers.
We’ve enjoyed presenting with Vodafone on mobile conjoint analysis at the 2013 Market Research in the Mobile World European conference. Our speakers shared innovations in measuring choice behavior with mobile devices and how it has helped Vodafone gain critical business insights.
During our presentation, attendees learned how to utilize mobile conjoint analysis:
We also shared how Vodafone used mobile choice-based conjoint to provide critical business insight into its phone plans, services and accessories business.
If you are unable to view the slides on this page or you’d like to download the presentation file, click here to view our slides on SlideShare.
Caspar Hautvast, Market Insights Specialist at Vodafone Netherlands
Gerard Loosschilder, Partner and Chief Methodology Officer at SKIM
“It is a given that the world is evolving to mobile research, so we’d better be prepared for it. We’ll be discussing two topics. The first is the validity of mobile research: will it give the same results as a comparable study completed on a traditional device, e.g., a laptop? We see that it does, but it is hygiene factor. It becomes already more interesting if we start to accommodate the specifics of mobile research: the smaller screens and the shorter attention spans of the users. We see that we can have equally valid results from our studies if we do accommodate those circumstances, which is encouraging. The last step is to do things that we could not do before, which we capture under the header of “context-based research”: we survey people on the basis of where they are, not just who they are. It makes that we can ask people questions who are conditioned by their circumstances; what they see and experience around them, and how it affects their choices and decisions.”