Exploring new ways of sharing market research results with Heineken at the ESOMAR Congress 2017

Exploring new ways of sharing market research results with Heineken at the ESOMAR Congress 2017
11 September 2017
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

In the ESOMAR Congress 2017, our ESOMAR Corporate Young Professional finalists Iris, Julia, and Joey together with Jasper from Heineken challenged current ways of sharing study results. They also explored new ways of insight delivery and client-agency collaboration so that market research results leave a (bigger) footprint and trigger (more) actions in a company.

Sharing market research results: From the dusted drawer to the top of the pile

Story developed by:
Jasper Melchers – Heineken (Presenter)
Julia Görnandt, Joey Ophof, and Iris van Loon (Presenter) – SKIM

By interviewing Consumer Market Insight professionals from different companies in Europe and Asia, current barriers and shortcomings of study reports and socialization of study results were identified.

  • When and why are commonly used study deliverables such as PowerPoint decks, infographics and videos suitable and serve the purpose? When not and why?
  • How are insights and research outcomes socialized within a company, and which bottlenecks are perceived?

Based on their learnings from the interviews, Iris and the rest of the team explore ideas of sharing insights differently. They also rethink how corporate consumer insight professionals liaise with researchers from the agency side (and vice versa) to fully unlock the potential of synergy effects.

  • Which improvements of currently used deliverables could make results more memorable?
  • Which new tools or formats of reports can lead to better insight socialization and inspire stakeholders?
  • How could the collaboration between market researchers at the client and agency side be changed to enhance the relevance and impact of market research results?