Data Analytics and Insight 2019

From robust approach for New Product Development to the roles of machine learning in market research

Data Analytics and Insight 2019

At the Data Analytics and Insight 2019, held by Market Research Society (MRS) UK, we discussed a couple of topics ranging from developing a robust predictive model to launch a new product to the role of statistics and machine learning in market research.

With Chivas Brothers: Towards a more robust approach to New Product Development

Chivas Brothers is in the process of creating a more robust approach to New Product Development. For the launch of a new whisky brand in Australia, it needed a robust, data driven approach for estimating the expected volume of sales. To achieve this, we helped them build a predictive model which fused different data sources from primary research, sales data and market data. This session will unpick the approach taken and the impact of the results.

Date and time: Feb 28, 2019 at 9.40 am

  • Dale Milliken, Senior Consumer Insight Manager – Chivas Brothers
  • Tommaso Gennari, Senior Analytics Consultant – SKIM

Panel: Role of Statistics and Machine Learning in market research

Machine Learning has disrupted the traditional use of statistical techniques for market research. Businesses and agencies are rapidly adapting to the new analytics paradigm – however, there is a lot of confusion between when to use more traditional statistics versus machine learning. This discussion will consider:

  • Is there still a role for statistical thinking in market research?
  • When is a simpler statistical model preferable to a complex machine learning solution?
  • Should Machine Learning become an essential tool in the analytical teams of market research agencies?
  • How should we train a new breed of analysts and data scientists in market research? What are the core skills we need to focus on?

Date and time: Feb 28, 2019 at 15.20

Colin Bunn, Managing Director – Custom Analytics, Boxclever


  • Aji Ghose, Head of Research & Analytics – Sky
  • Bethan Blakely, Director – Honeycomb
  • Tommaso Gennari, Senior Analytics Consultant – SKIM