Sawtooth A&I Summit 2024: Explore the latest innovations in choice...
Join us at the Sawtooth Software A&I Summit 2024 to delve into the latest innovations in choice modeling, conjoint analysis techniques...
The more accurately we mirror real-life decision making, the better we can understand and predict people’s behavior. That’s why, at SKIM, we’ve spent decades mastering the art of choice modelling. As the global leader in this field, we constantly push the boundary of what’s possible, develop propriety design algorithms, custom layouts to match new market realities and advanced simulation techniques to ensure our models are as reliable as possible.
Optimize product features and prices by revealing people’s true drivers of preference through realistic trade-off scenarios
Ideal for products and services with customizable options and add-ons, typically found in hospitality, automotive and telecom
When faced with countless options, our adaptive techniques guide you swiftly to what really matters to your customers
To enhance the accuracy of our models, it’s crucial to capture customer decisions as authentically as possible. That’s why we’re constantly evolving our solutions to reflect how customers interact with the world and your products or services today. From replicating online retail experiences to mirroring mobile phone usage, our expertise ensures a seamless front end while maintaining reliability of our models behind the scenes.