SKIM was invited to share insights on product optimization with Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry for their January online edition. In the resulting article, Gerard Loosschilder and Jemma Lampkin share how to use Kano model analysis to determine whether to include certain features in a new medical device.
Using Kano Model Analysis for Medical Device Product Configuration Decisions
In today’s medical device world, competition is fierce, and the pressure to innovate continues to increase. Development teams have to develop products that offer value to customers. More and more, the focus of innovation is at the feature level: designing winning or “killer” features that will entice customers to purchase the device.
Because innovative features are often associated with higher manufacturing costs, they must provide enough value to customers to justify a price premium. Beyond that, they need to be complemented with the right mix of product features.
Read on to learn how, through Kano, an optimization procedure can be implemented to identify the combination of features that will generate the most excitement among customers and achieve the highest penetration into the market.