The Quirk’s Event – London 2019

‘Alexa, Order Heineken.’ Voice and the Digital Assistant: A Wake-up Call for Marketing

The Quirk’s Event – London 2019

Voice is intuitive, fast and has the potential to become a dominant mode of accessing and interacting on the Internet. When we see how young families – the early adopters – embrace voice, it’s very likely the entire consumer landscape will change: consumer behavior, the path-to-purchase and the way consumers interact with brands are all poised to change dramatically. Voice applications help us manage lives, be in control, facilitate, assist, inform and entertain. In this presentation we considered how voice and the digital assistants are impacting consumer decision behavior.

Date and time: Wednesday, 13th of Feb at 2:15 – 2:45

Sarah Raoufian
Sarah Raoufian, Senior Research Manager
Alistair Shutt, Senior Director

About the presentation

To examine voice trends from a consumer and brand perspective, we conducted research in the USA, U.K. and Germany. Since Amazon, Google, Apple and Microsoft have introduced voice platforms in these markets, they reflect the dominant “voice landscape” in the western world for brands moving forward. We conducted the following interviews:

  • Expert interviews within globally-leading CPG companies regarding their digital marketing strategy and specifically regarding voice for the coming years
  • Quantitative primary research among consumers to assess the current and expected use of voice
  • In-depth interviews with active voice users

In this session attendees heard the learnings of these interviews and the implications for marketers and insights professionals.
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