Insights Association: 3 Tips to Optimize Your Voice Commerce Strategy

“Alexa: do you remember the last consumer tech “must-have product” to hit the shelves?”

Insights Association:  3 Tips to Optimize Your Voice Commerce Strategy

According to the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), it was the iPhone (2007) and iPad (2012). And now voice-controlled smart speakers, like the Amazon Echo and Google Home, have achieved that coveted status. CTA predicts 56.6 million smart speakers will be sold in the US next year; two years ago that number was just 7.2 million!.

Voice technology is set to fundamentally change the environment in which consumers make decisions, and who (or what) influences that decision. To stay ahead of the competition, brands will need to exhaust every opportunity to optimize their position in this new “4th sales channel” of voice commerce.

In “The Rise of Voice Technology as the Fourth Sales Channel,” we explore marketing challenges and opportunities voice poses for brands, such as eCommerce and decision journey implications

Published on Insights Association, we’re sharing three tips from our guide to optimize your brand’s voice commerce strategy.

1. Explore how voice search rankings and algorithms can help you gain favor with Alexa & Google Assistant

Brands that don’t make the first one or two suggested results from Alexa or Google have essentially received a death sentence. If you don’t want that #3 or worse position, your approach to insights and analytics will need to expand beyond ‘traditional’ online retailers and brick-and-mortar stores.

In order to build a strong, truly omnichannel, brand presence, you need to understand and maximize not only desktop and mobile search algorithms, but now learn how voice search results across Amazon and Google platforms.

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