Presented Unspoken® for healthcare at EphMRA in Amsterdam

Presented Unspoken® for healthcare at EphMRA in Amsterdam

What can the healthcare industry learn from beer ads? How to get smarter, faster, and richer insights. Measuring purely rational processes is no longer good enough; no matter if it’s beer or pharmaceuticals. The next generation of healthcare research will bridge rational and emotional drivers to accurately predict how consumers behave and decide.

At EphMRA’s annual conference in Amsterdam from June 20-22, 2017, we convened a workshop and shared the insights from Unspoken® for healthcare, our revolutionary implicit research technique.

From consumer choice to patient voice: Why a beer ad could be the start of faster, richer healthcare research insight
Presenters: Robert Dossin and Paul Janssen
Chair: Katy Irving, HRW

Patients are a virtue: Best practices in patient research
Presenter: Ana Edelenbosch with Marcel Slavenburg as the convenor

Everything you need to know about Unspoken®

Insights during the Unspoken® presentation

Everyone is under pressure in today’s busy world. In demand. Multi-tasking, short of time and increasingly reliant on the mobile devices that dominate our daily lives. How can we “tap” into these new dynamics? Find a way that “clicks” with respondents? And allows us to “zoom in” on both their conscious and subconscious decision-making processes to deliver more representative results?

If you’re wondering what the next generation of in-the-moment, on-the-move, pharma market research will look like, this presentation may have the answer – deep in the heart of a beer ad. It’s innovative, intuitive and fun.

Insights during the patient research workshop

This comprehensive workshop appraised the impact of the patient component in the qualitative and quantitative project life cycle from different angles: clients, market research agencies, fieldwork and secondary data suppliers. Different experts from across the industry, knowing all the tricks of the trade shared their thoughts and what works well and what doesn’t.

Delegates gained understanding of why patient research was conducted and how this contributed to the overall business strategy. At the same time, they discussed how this translated to effective research design and impactful, productive delivery (and beyond). This was done through their own case studies, or case studies you could bring in as participants.

The workshop was aimed at inspiring the participants to take their patient research to the next level. The workshop comprised of presentations, discussions and interactive sessions, covering the following areas:

  • Client Perspective
  • Researcher Perspective
  • Fieldwork Perspective
  • Secondary Data Perspective
  • Patient Perspective