Biologic or biosimilar: What are prescribers thinking? – published by PME

Biologic or biosimilar: What are prescribers thinking? – published by PME

Launched with great promise in a climate of escalating drug costs, biosimilars have generated as many questions as answers for more than a decade.

Why does biosimilar adoption vary, even with significant discounts? What factors beyond price are encouraging or deterring biosimilar usage? And how do these factors affect the ultimate choice of a biologic vs biosimilar?

Published on the Pharmaceutical Market Europe (PME) December 2017 issue, our senior research manager, Adriënne discussed what prescribers are thinking when deciding between biologic vs biosimilar.

Biologic or biosimilar: What are prescribers thinking?

“To answer these questions, we surveyed physician key opinion leaders (KOLs) working in oncology and haematology across leading EU markets.

Survey discussions were designed to explore their perceptions and intentions regarding future use of MAb biosimilars. The results revealed consistent attitudes regarding several key issues that affect prescribing behavior. They include:

  • Cost is a key driver but safety comes first
  • Evidence of bioequivalence is a concern
  • Curious but cautious
  • Provenance and product availability matter
  • Gradual conversion starting with new patients”