Webinar “Sex Appeal”

Capturing differences in gender appeal in consumer behavior

Webinar “Sex Appeal”

We hosted a free webinar on four tips to keep in mind when creating claims and communications messages for men on Wednesday, April 22nd, as part of our monthly SKIM webinar sessions. Feel free to review the webinar via the webcast and/or slide deck below.

Sex Appeal – Gender in consumer behavior

Presented by:
Robert Dossin, Client Solutions Director Europe

Please note that loading the webcast on this webpage might take some time due to the length of the video. If it takes too long, it might be helpful to click here to view the video on youtube.com.

Webinar "Sex Appeal – Capturing differences in gender appeal in consumer behavior" from SKIM

If you are unable to view the slides on this page or you’d like to download the presentation file, click here to view our slides on SlideShare.

About the webinar

Men’s products have been on an exponential uphill for almost a decade, especially in areas of personal care and grooming; reflecting a boom in areas of self-gratification and, simply put, sex appeal.

Compared to this decade of men’s product development, marketing to women has been the norm for centuries. As such, men’s products tend to embody visuals and claims that stereotype men as overly feminized or sheer buffoons. While research has shown that men and women emote differently, the truth is that real men fall in between.

To make personal care marketing to men more effective, marketers must focus first on emotional marketing and the benefits that products can provide and second on who is making the actual purchase: the man in question or his leading lady.

Through a meta-analysis of messages across a plethora of categories, we shared four tips to keep in mind when creating claims and communications messages for men.