Webinar “Mobile Research: Are the results valid?”

Webinar “Mobile Research: Are the results valid?”

On June 6th, we hosted the webinar “Mobile Research: Are the results valid?” as part of our 2014 spring cycle of SKIM webinars.

About the webinar

More and more often, respondents use mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones to participate in market research surveys. This requires us as researchers to adapt our survey interaction design to the specifics of mobile. Not just the look of the surveys, but also its content: Shorter and more engaging choice exercises, with fewer choice tasks and fewer options per task. However, when doing this, we must make sure that the results of a mobile Choice-based Conjoint (CBC) study are valid; as in, it delivers the same results as the same CBC study would on a traditional platform.

Gerard and Robin shared the results in empirical comparative studies between mobile and traditional CBC, to determine if and when the results of a mobile CBC are valid. Based on these results, they provided guidelines to help you determine when it is right to utilize mobile CBC.

Our presenters

Gerard Loosschilder, Partner and Chief Innovation Officer
Robin de Rooij, Senior Research Manager

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Webinar Mobile Research: Are the results valid?” from SKIM

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