Webinar “Using social media in a ‘brandless’ category”

28 February 2013

On February 28, 2013, we hosted the webinar “Using social media in a ‘brandless’ category”. The session was attended by clients from all over the world. We gladly share the presentation video and slides with you.

About the webinar

Digital communications is today’s leading marketing force, owing to the fact that consumers have candid conversations about brands online. Yet, it is more challenging to derive insights in a category where there are excessive brands, or where the category overpowers the brands, making it virtually ‘brandless’. Illustrated by a butter/margarine case study and stepping back to cover some fundamentals of social media research, Sourabh will reveal how to revitalize your digital communications with greater effectiveness in such a scenario.

Please note that loading the webcast on this web page might take some time due to the length of the video. If it takes too long, it might be helpful to click here to view the video on youtube.com.

Webinar: Using social media in a 'brandless' category from SKIM