SKIM presented on interaction design at Insight Innovation eXchange NA 2014

Gerard Loosschilder, Chief Innovation Officer, and Willem Buys, Interaction Designer, from SKIM presented at Insight Innovation eXchange 2014. They shared insights on interaction design principles of designing choice and decision making processes, and translated this to conjoint analysis choice tasks as well as online sales environments.

An Interaction Design Approach to Choice Modeling

Conjoint analysis and similar methods are excellent ways to model consumer choice processes and to support scenario planning by answering “what if” questions. Typically, the predictive validity of conjoint analysis study is high and the experimental nature delivers great freedom, turning it into a widely accepted market standard. However, rightful questions are asked about the external validity – the ability to describe actual consumer choice behavior – and the richness of information – does it deliver information the brand can really act upon?

Choice modeling approaches can bear resemblance to online purchase environments, although there are key differences. The way we design the online environment and optimize the customer experience impacts what customers choose and how they make their choices. The premise is that the interaction design of an exercise impacts the way people take the exercise, form their opinions thus the outcome of the exercise; the preferences formed. Interaction design is aimed at impacting the experience of the exercise at hand, evoking a positive emotional response toward the exercise, thereby driving the quality and accuracy of the outcomes of the exercise.

Gerard and Willem took the audience through an overview of interaction design principles in designing choice processes. Translating these fundamentals to conjoint analysis and online sales environments, they shared hypotheses and tested examples of the impact of different visual designs on consumer choices.

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