SKIM and BiNu presented at MRMW Asia on mobile research on low tech devices

Targeting feature phone users in developing countries

25 February 2015

We are proud to have presented with BiNu at the 2015 MRMW Asia conference on feature phone research in developing countries. At SKIM, we are exploring the limits of what is possible with mobile technologies in different markets. For developing countries, this means understanding which parts of the population we can reach with surveys on mobile devices and what their devices can accomodate for.

Targeting lower social classes – fast and reliable benefits research on feature phones?

If you are unable to view the slides on this page or you’d like to download the presentation file, click here to view our slides on SlideShare.

Mark Shoebridge, Head of Mobile Research & Rewards Emerging Markets at BiNu
Robin de Rooij, New Venture Director Asia at SKIM

Together with BiNu, we touched on the need for research on lower social classes, changing research needs, and technical challenges to overcome for us to bring our approaches to feature phones. We focused on a clear comparison of the outcomes of mobile vs. personal interviews in developing countries and the role we see for research on feature phones and low-end smartphones compared to other methods.