Shopper Insights & Retail Activation International

"Alexa, order Heineken" - Voice and the digital assistant, a wake-up call for marketing

Shopper Insights & Retail Activation International

At Shopper Insights & Retail Activation International we explored the potential of AI platforms, in particular Voice assistants, and share our latest global findings on Voice consumer behavior.

To examine voice trends from a consumer and brand perspective, we conducted research in the USA, UK and Germany. Since Amazon, Google, Apple, and Microsoft have introduced voice platforms in these markets, they reflect the dominant “voice landscape” in the Western World for brands moving forward. We conducted the following interviews:

  • Expert interviews within globally leading CPG companies regarding their digital marketing strategy and specifically regarding “Voice” for the coming years
  • Quantitative primary research among consumers to assess the current and expected use of “Voice”
  • In depth interviews with active “Voice” users

We shared the learnings of these interviews and the implications for marketers and insights professionals.

Date and time: Monday, 29th of October 2018 at 11:00
Location: Track 2: Future Partnerships at Retail

Mini Kalivianakis, Client Solutions Director and Partner
Carien Jakovljevic, Manager

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