Sawtooth Software Training 2022: Advanced Choice Modeling Seminar
At the Sawtooth Software Training Events, our methods and analytics experts will hold a training on advanced applications of conjoint solutions.
The Sawtooth Software Turbo Choice Modeling Workshop is an intensive three-day introductory workshop and training covering three current and popular choice research methodologies: CBC (Choice-Based Conjoint), MaxDiff (Maximum Difference Scaling), and ACBC (Adaptive CBC). Participants will create choice surveys and analyze sample data using a team-oriented case study approach. SKIM will be hosting the following two sessions as the workshop.
April 22, Session 4 (3:30pm-5:00pm)
We conducted an experiment in two waves, first a conjoint survey, later we asked the same respondents what they had bought for real, and we compared conjoint predictions with reality. Part of the conjoint exercise were “FilterCBC” tasks in which respondents can use filters and sorting to navigate through a wide range of product options. We will show what the comparison brought us and more particularly how, with alternative estimation methods, FilterCBC tasks contributed to the comparison.
April 23, Session 8 (3:30pm-5:00pm)
Incorporating data stacking into CBC studies allows for many practical applications, such as testing sets of new products in large CPG categories when research time or financial resources are limited. This research is aimed to quantify the effects of data stacking using a full CBC study and follow-up new product waves. We will look at the optimal sample size for the follow-up waves and develop guidelines for consecutive designs and further validation and optimization.