Research & Results 2019

How to improve your eComm and mobile conversion by using better product images

Research & Results 2019
23 - 24 October 2019
MOC Convention Centre, Munich

At Research & Results 2019, we shared our latest market research innovations in e-commerce and communication research. In addition to exhibiting, together with our development and training partner Sawtooth Software, we hosted 2 workshops:

How to bring product experiences to life: Decreasing psychological distance to trigger consumer decision-making

Brands that incorporate sensorial cues help people create mental imagery and bring products to life with looks, smells and tastes.

Psychological distance refers to how far away perceptually people think an object is. Applied to marketing, consumers can’t identify with ads that use generic images and no sensorial cues. Those products are perceived as more distant and abstract, and less real.

During this session, we explained the underlying phenomenon of psychological distance and how to best employ sensorial cues to trigger your customers to purchase your product.

Date and time: Wednesday, 23 Oct 2019 at 10.45 – 11.15
Room: 4
Language: English

Marina Georgieva, Senior Analyst

Cheers to eCommerce success: How Constellation Brands, a major alcohol manufacturer, achieved online success with digital content optimization

In order to achieve the highest possible conversion in eCom or even mCom (mobile commerce), shoppers must be able to quickly and easily identify the key information of a product.

By using SKIM’s online retailer replication platform, we helped Constellation Brands optimize their mobile product images and their product conversion online. Notably, only 2 months later Constellation Brands is already seeing success at retail with these images, with others in the alcohol industry also starting to adopt this standard.

Date and time: Thursday, 24 Oct 2019 at 14.30 – 15.00
Room: 2
Language: German

Julia Görnandt
Julia Görnandt, Director DACH