Webinar “Pricing beliefs uncovered”

A meta-analysis of 200+ price elasticity studies covering 7,000 SKU's and 500 brands

On May 9th, 2013, we hosted the webinar “Pricing beliefs uncovered”. The session was attended by clients from all over the world. We gladly share the presentation video and slides with you.

About the webinar

Setting the right price is vital for every company. It allows you to communicate your brand’s value in relation to competitive offerings and is therefore a major marketing lever. The question remains, though: How far can one go in increasing price while still maintaining the perceived value of the brand? Over the past 5 years, SKIM has carried out more than 200 pricing studies covering 18 different countries, more than 7,000 SKUs and about 500 brands in 45 product categories. Tapping into this wealth of information we have sought to create a database to leverage knowledge and identify behavioral trends on pricing. During this webinar, Daniela revealed the three main factors which drive price elasticity.

Did you miss the webinar or would you like to review it? Browse through the slides below, listen to the presentation in the video or contact us for more!

Please note that loading the webcast on this webpage might take some time due to the length of the video. If it takes too long, it might be helpful to click here to view the video on YouTube.com.

Webinar: Pricing beliefs uncovered from SKIM
 If you are unable to view the slides on this page or you’d like to download the presentation file, click here to view our slides on slideshare.