Webinar: Accelerate your brand growth with key driver analysis
Understand what your customers value the most and gain a competitive advantage.
AI is transforming the way consumers make decisions, from online shopping to healthcare, from travel and personal finance to education.
Understanding the impact of AI on consumer decision making is critical to optimize marketing strategies. However, it requires a nuanced approach that not only leverages AI to increase brand value, but also consciously addresses consumer concerns about AI.
Brand professionals may want to consider:
Based on a hybrid solution that combines quantitative and qualitative data, we will reveal how to improve the customer experience and increase willingness to pay and loyalty by strategically integrating AI-based services.
Katharina Graeser
Associate Director Methodology & Analytics
Katharina is an Associate Director and part of SKIM’s Methodology & Analytics team, with a background in sociology and psychology, and over 15 years’ experience in international market research. She is passionate about bridging qualitative and quantitative approaches, developing customized research solutions and uncovering insights that address complex business questions.