The client’s question

Packaging design is an integral component for conveying your product and brand, and is one of the primary factors that can influence consumers’ purchasing decisions.  We recognize the importance of having an effective package to ensure that your product is positioned with the highest potential for success.
Does your product packaging capture consumers’ attention? Does it clearly communicate your product’s attributes? Is the packaging recognizably yours? With these questions in mind, we recently helped Sander, our client working for a pharmaceutical brand, to understand his target consumers’ reactions and identify the best possible package design.

Our approach

In order to help him identify the winning package design amongst target consumers, we evaluated a series of concepts, each with varying visual, graphic, and textual elements, by applying the following methodologies:

  • Virtual shelf:  simulates a realistic shopping environment to determine which package concept stands out in a competitive set
  • Packaging communication assessment:  evaluates how well each package concept communicates their product’s key attributes
  • Clickable graphics:  determines which specific components of an individual package concept are most and least appealing, followed by open-end feedback to understand why respondents like or dislike a certain part

The results

By applying these methodologies, we were able to identify the winning package concept that performs best on various dimensions, including shelf appeal, standalone appeal, and communication. Combined with the additional qualitative insights gleaned from open-ends, we were also able to provide Sander with clear, actionable guidance on how to further improve the winning design.

As a result, Sander was able to proceed with confidence on how to move forward with his visual communication strategy, and ensure that his product’s package is not only distinct and aesthetically-pleasing amongst their consumers but can also clearly convey their brand and product’s key value proposition.